Tuesday, January 15, 2008


It's colder than a witch's titty, in a brass bra, on the dark side of the moon!"

Seriously, ya'll...I am freezing....my office is cold, but I am starting to warm up...

Know why..know why...know why?

Well, let me tell ya!

I came to work this morning, in a really bad mood, logged onto blogger, not feeling very good about myself, my life....cold, really bummed you know? Then I went to my first bloggy buddy on my blogroll and lo and behold...I had two, count them...one....two....bloggy bling awards!

I immediately started to warm up! The wonderful Toni...from A Tale of Two Kiddies....http://taleoftwokiddies.blogspot.com/, awarded me the Blog Buddies award....Awww....she is so sweet....I too consider her one of my blog buddies and I am honored to receive this award and will display it proudly on my sidebar.....

Here is the award...

And I would like to pass on the love....all of you on my blogroll are special to me, are you wouldn't be there...each of you have wrote or said something that made me want to add you, keeps me coming back day after day to read what you have to say. I find myself thinking about some of you, when I am not blogging, some of you, I know if we were to meet in person....(Monk..Rachel...Lori-you know who you are), I know we would hit it off and be fast, dear friends...so, to everyone on my blog roll....if you want to grab this blog buddy award, and post it on your blog, stating you received it from Dixie...then please do so....I award it to all of you, every single one of my blog roll buddies! I don't know if that is permissable or not, as I am still trying to figure out the rules and etiquette of blogging, but I don't care! I love's all of ya! If you are reading this post and you are on my blogroll, you have been awarded..so, claim your prize! And in the process, pimp my blog out to all of your blogging friends! (yes, that is a shameless plug for my blog...I love new readers!).....

Next, Toni also felt I needed a second award...The Fabulous Award...she thinks I am fabulous...Wow! She also thinks I am a fabulous mother of four! Well, right back at ya girl! You too are a great Mom...I accept this award with pride...you have made me a very happy blogger today! I haven't felt fabulous in quite sometime...

Here is the award.....

Now, all of you are fabulous as well...each in their own way....but, some of you I have a really special place for..so, I am passing this award on to....Janet... http://fromtheplanetofjanet.blogspot.com/

And Elle...hell...Elle is deserving of knowing just how fabulous she is! That girl is also an amazing Mom, she is funny, beautiful...I wish she were my best friend...lol...anyway, Elle has been through some rough times, she has picked herself up, held her head high, and is a stronger person for it...she is fabuloso!

Well....that about does it! Thanks again Toni...in Dixie's little ole world, I think you rock! You totally made my day...amazing what a little bling will do, huh?

Have a great Tuesday everyone! And Remember, tonight.....

8 p.m...on Fox....be there...or you are not part of the "Idol In Crowd"...


the planet of janet said...

ooooh, dix!! purdy!! thank you sooo much! i treasure both of them!


Janet...you are more than welcome, hon! You are totally rocking the bling today! You are totally deserving of it.

Lori said...

Congrats! Can't wait for American Idol!


Lori...grab your blogging buddy award....you are on my blog roll..meant for you too hon! Yay, for American Idol...the train wrecks will be on tonight....you know, they are hand picked for just how terrible they are, but still fun to watch...

Kim said...

Congratulations! I think I need to blog more...maybe more people will read me. lol

I would post this award on my blog, but I don't know how! lol

I can't wait to see AI tonight. :)


Kim...go to customize, top right of your blog page, click on that..go to add page element, click on that..click on add picture...(oh, you need to right click, save the picture somewhere on your computer first)..then go to browse, fing your picture where you saved it, then add...remember to make sure that the shrink to fit is not checked, so it will fit your blog properly.

Ok...now, regards to AI....I too am looking forward to it..hubby is taking us out to eat, so I won't have to cook and clean up....he also said the kids would have their baths....that way I would have no interruptions....look forward to chatting with you about!

DJ MotorCityMonk said...

Thanks sweets! I appreciate the mention and hope to meet up with you one day!

Big Pissy said...


That's so sweet! Thank you! :)

You rock!

Cynthia said...

Congrats to you! I'll be back for all the Idol dish:)

Kathryn Thompson said...

Ooo. I'm so glad you posted the American Idol reminder. I've gotten out of the habit of even checking to see what's on TV. Yay for something new! Now I'll enjoy it more when they're done with the mean auditions but at least I know it's coming.

Oh, and it's freezing here too, tons and tons of snow and ice everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Back at cha "buddy", and thanks! Looking forward to AI, but I hope it is better than last season!

A Novelist said...

Thank you for my Blog Buddy Award! I will pass it along with pride! ;) Thanks again, you rock!


Monk...Pissy...you are welcome...I love you guys!

Nap...you got an award too....grab it while you can..also, look forward to chatting "Idol" with you as well...

Daring..cool, that you are an AI fan...does Dan watch too? Hope it warms up soon for ya!

Diva...you are welcome..yes, it will be better...although, I am sure...we are going to see some hilarious want to bes tonight....yowza! Initial auditions are the worst! The people let in..has to be to get ratings..cause they always suck!

Novelist...you are more than welcome...I love your posts, especially when you include pictures....I am so jealous of your New York life!

Toni said...


Thanks for the tip on the awards on my sidebar. I am not a computer person!

You are FABULOUS and I am so happy it made your day; that makes mine!

Thanks for always putting a smile on my face - especially on these cold wintry days....

Rachel said...

Awe, thanks schnookums. I'm still battling the ugly bug from hell, but that made me smile! Thank you so much!!

Anonymous said...

Hello, Linked from Fairytales and Margaritas. I was just going to quietly look around, but since you said you started your day in a bad mood and love new readers, I thought I'd leave a comment. Besides, I forgot all about American Idol and now I'm all excited to watch tonight.

Ken said...

Congrats on your awards! I hope you warm up soon.

Adventures In Waitressing said...

Thanks Dixie.. you totally rock! I always enjoy reading your blog as well. It never ceases in making me smile.

The Real Life Drama Queen

Adventures In Waitressing said...

I am so off today.. forgot to ask you to email me at my waitressing blog.. there is an email addy... I have a question for ya chicky.

Anonymous said...

How much money did you win? ;)

It's always nice to smile ain't it??!


Toni..you are welcome, hon...just trying to help.

Rachel..snookums???? You crack me up....I can tell you are a mom for sure...lol....you are welcome my dear.

Sarah..thanks for stopping by. I will be over to visit. Don't be a stranger...hope you got to watch Idol last night.

Daddio..glad to see you back. Hey, you are a blogging buddy too, to grab your blogging buddy award..you are on my blogroll, so I meant for you to have it as well.

Drama Queen....you are welcome...please grab it and put it on your sidebar. Glad to hear from you and I will be emailing you soon.

Slick..wow, I am honored, you commented on my blog...I just love your blog, my kind of guy and southern to boot...Yum....anyway...didn't win any money...but, yes indeed, made me smile...sometimes, that takes a lot.

Ya'll come back now ya hear?

Elle said...

You are too sweet, honey! Thank you!