Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Wow....another New Year....I hope everyone is recovering from their New Year's Eve...for those of you that live on the wild side and actually went out and celebrated last night. As for me and mine.....we stayed in. Safer....yet not quite near as exciting.

I am sorry for the lapse in my blogging over the last two weeks...I don't know what the heck has come over me. As I stated earlier, I just have been in kind of a funk....I compose something to post in my head, then when I sit down in front of the computer, nada..zip...nothing.

So...to update you on my "exciting"...not....life....I will do a bullet list over the past several days....

*****Friday night, Hubster and I got all dressed up and went to our club...kind of a slow start to the evening....not many people there, but by midnight, the place was hopping....I danced, imbibed of the "liquid" and thought I was 20 years younger than what I actually am...several of my female companions thought it would be oh, so much fun to get up on stage and "shadow dance"....urging me to join along....I was just loose enough to think what the hell....looks like fun, I love to dance and I am pretty good at it...so, with them, I hopped up on stage and started grooving...I went "down low....all the way to the floor"....You know how the song goes.....then on my way back up, I felt something in my right hip pop......and the most excruciating pain in my hip and down my leg..oh, holy crap...I saw stars....and it wasn't the alcoholic beverages that made me dizzy...I managed to get down off the stage, made it over to a couch and sat down...that is where I remained for the rest of the evening....even though I would have been better off, acting my age....I still had loads of fun...made some new friends, quite an exciting night...we got home around three in the morning.

****Saturday morning...oh, holy hell.....I could not freaking walk....hubster had to help me in and out of the bath, he had to help me get my clothes on....we had to be at his grandmother's Christmas party at noon...there was absolutely no way I could wear shoes....I had to go to the Christmas party, with slippers on...hobbling, leaning on hubster the whole time....I was so embarrassed. We had to tell hubsters Mom, Dad and all of his relatives, that I fell off of our back porch steps...that is how I pulled/twisted whatever I pulled/twisted. Of course, they jumped right in, criticizing my choice in shoes, that my shoes were to blame...if any of you have been reading me any time at'tall....you will know, I only wear high heels....at least 4 inch heels, no matter what....Hubsters Dad was telling everyone, OH..SHE DOESN'T WEAR NORMAL SHOES...YOU SHOULD SEE THE NAIL SPIKES SHE WALKS ON...GONNA KILL HERSELF ONE OF THESE DAYS... UM...Yeah...OK..I could not wait to get out of there. I had some left over vicodine from my root canals awhile back, so after enduring two excruciating boring hours of "family party time"....I went home and popped one of those and that helped immensely....oh, we also picked up Max from his visit with Grandma and Grandpa....the rest of the evening was spent relaxing and recuperating.

****Sunday.....well, Sunday was kind of a blur...don't really remember too much of what we did Sunday....little too much codiene me thinks....Oh...we did get dressed, had to take overdue movies back to Blockbuster and we went to Applebee's for a late lunch.....where our eyes were subjected to the most gross family of at least 12 people I have ever seen...I felt so sorry for that poor waitress..they sat us in her section, but they thought we were part of that big party...who were obviously Latino...we are obviously very very white, but um...ok....whatever..after waiting 20 minutes, hubster got up and asked someone if they were going to take our order...I was feeling like crap, nauseous, headache, etc...once again, me thinks....too much vicodine...but, the waitress came over, took our order, I only wanted a sprite and some soup....the family to our right, were loud, dirty and obnoxious....I watched the waitress bring them yet more beer, and then they decided they were leaving...one of the young moms, took her kids to go cup poured out his drink into a water glass ,took her beer and put it into his to go cup....I was shocked..was she seriously taking her beer to go? Anyway, they left, we finally got our food, Max was out of control....I was sick, hubster at this point was fed up....we got our stuff to go and left. Guess where I went, um....yeah....back home to bed...no more vicodine for me...this time around, it seriously made me sick...but,my leg was feeling no pain.

***Monday, I was able to dress and walk without assistance...so, I decided we needed to have some homemade chili and cornbread for our New Years Eve dinner, since we were staying in...so Max and I ventured out to Hell-mart.....that place was seriously a mad house...it took me over an hour to get our stuff and get checked out. I loathe that place..then I took Max to the movies....we saw this...

It was a really cute movie...I had heard some negative reviews about it, but Max had his heart set on it....it was great! He has been quoting it all day.....he sat all the way through it, it kept him entertained and captive for the entire hour and a half...I highly recommend it for all you parents with little ones out there...they will love it!
I came home, fixed the chili and cornbread....bought some bubbly and hubster and I stayed awake, watching Dick Clark and the ball being dropped on Times Square..then I went to bed....told you it was pretty boring and tame for us.

Today was spent taking down the Christmas decorations and preparing to go back to work tomorrow...I have had 12 days off and I am seriously not looking forward to going back.....but, I got to help hubster out and make a little money...the coffers are going to be a little short over the next couple of weeks, since I didn't get paid for my time off...so, hi ho, hi ho...off to work I go!

Hope all of you have a wonderful New Year...have you got your resolutions ready? I will be posting mine for My Thursday 13....tomorrow, I will try to put up my oh, so late Christmas pictures....I didn't take many...but,I will put up what I have....

Have a rocking New Year my Friends...peace out!


Bradley's Mom said...

Hi Dixie!

So sorry you got hurt!! That stinks!

But glad to hear it's on the mend.

I wish you and your family a most happy new year!!

Here's to a great 2008!



Linda...Happy New Year to you and your family as well...

the planet of janet said...

happy new year, dixie. i'm a little tardy, but i have a good excuse ... er... reason. um. yeah. (cuz i had to find somewhere to steal me some free wifi!!)

sounds like you had an eventful week...

here's to better things in 2008!


Janet...happy new year to you too....hope you get your internet connection back...