I am ticked off at the hubster at the moment....I was feeling a little amorous..thought I would send him some fun, suggestive emails...you know, kind of keep the "fire" burning....I emailed him and asked if he wanted to "get freaky" with me tonight....let's just say his reply was not what I wanted or expected. He said what is freaky? that he doesn't speak "hip hop", but it wasn't hip hop he said....it wasn't very nice....said he was tired of referreing the two youngest spawn with their fighting, he wasn't in the mood this evening.
Max is going to Grandma's...Aaron will be in bed by eight thirty/nine pm...I figured we could have some time together...why is it only ok when he is in the mood? I can't tell you how often I am not in the mood, but never do I say no...I forgo any time to myself on a frequent basis, to make sure he is "taken care of"....maybe this is a little TMI...I don't know.... I just know, when I sent those emails to him, I didn't expect to get "slapped in the face" so to speak.
What the hell????? Most often, he can't keep his hands off of me.....I was looking forward to going home...now? Not so much....if this indicative of what his mood is going to be. I have worked very hard to slim down..I am now down to 124 lbs. I am always dressed up, made up, ready to go....I feel like I am very sexy......Hell, the principal at my son's school the other day, told me I was hot....I get "looks" all the time...I have often been referred to as a MILF....I take that as a compliment, because I work hard to look good and I feel the best I have about myself in a long time....damn it, he should be interested.....so, my question is, what the hell did I say wrong? Guys, if your woman emailed or texted you, said "Do you want to get freaky with me tonight?" would have said, "I'm not in the mood"? Would you have known what freaky meant?
Happy freaking hump day! At least for everyone but me...now there definitely won't be any humping going on!
Thanks...I needed to vent! Vent over.
oh my, honey!!
smack that guy around!!
Beat him!
Then get in some lingerie, get you a rabbit and have some fun. Then, when he wants to join in.. tell him he's not in the mood :-)
I agree with Rachel. He'll regret saying he is not in the mood... If I sent my hubby an email like that - he'd be at home ready to go.
I can relate totally to this subject. Some days guys are just not in the mood. There are different factors as to why but I promise you it's NOT YOU. You will feel that it is, but it's NOT. Just give him a day every now and then to say no. It'll be better than fighting about it and getting all insecure. Guys have "no" days just like us girls do. It's ok...he's just having an "off" day. Hugs.
I actually have a problem like that. I get no action unless my wife is in the mood. Never when I'm in the mood. Oh wait, I'm always in the mood. Never mind.
MEN! *shaking head*
Tightly crossed legs, many cold showers - wth - listen I have a theory that the stress is getting to David Archiletta . Did you see his face at finale. He looks emotionally worn to me and I hear the parents are controlling as well..??what do you think??
I'm glad he came to his senses. It seems like my husband and I are never in the mood at the same time!
I hope you got railed out real good last night. :)
Fie upon him - missed that op
Flat coke and flies said it....
just know that it's NOT you! :)
Glad everything is ok...
He is a lucky man, he better figure that out before it is too late. Good job on your part.
ARE you kidding me? WOW... wtf? Congrats on looking FAB!!!
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