You know there's a problem when every single kid roots for the "hero" to be devoured in each episode. No sense of humor. No personality. Annoying voice. Plus he was always tattling. I knew kids like this growing up. Most of them ate paste, sat in the front of the bus, and got me in trouble.
#9 - Grape Ape

A real moron. All he knows how to say is his name. And he does so non-stop for a half an hour. I'd rather watch "Davey and Goliath covet their neighbors model airplane."
#8 - Olive Oyl

Am I the only one out there who thought this was one lady NOT worth fighting over? And that's what they did every episode! She talks like Edith Bunker and looks like a pipe cleaner with a cheap hat. Hey, Popeye, you're a sailor... you can do better! Plus Olive can never decide if she wants to date that jerk Bluto or not. The girl is just bad news.
#7 - Petunia Pig

Remember her? Porky's girlfriend? She was a real zero. What was the point of her anyway? To make Porky look good? Come on, who did they think they're fooling. We all know Porky is gay.
#6 - Pebbles & Bam-Bam, as teenagers

What were they thinking? Were they trying to cash in on the "Joanie loves Chachi" thing? And how come every cartoon teenager plays in crumby rock band? An awful -and thankfully shortlived- idea.
#5 - Pepe LePew

Hello, Warner Brothers, ever heard of sexual harassment? Let's take a good look at this character; a horny, rapist skunk who's attracted to other species! NOT good for the kids.
#4 - Alan, from Josie and the Pussy Cats

How weak was this "Fred" clone? They even gave him an ascot, for crying out loud. Well, I knew Fred. I grew up with Fred. Fred was like a friend of mine. Let me tell you something...you're no Fred.
#3 - Zan and Jayna, the Wondertwins

How many times do we have to say it? Leave the crimefighting to the professionals! "Form of... an idiot!" They should have been voted out of the Hall of Justice a long time ago. There's no room for dead weight in this game.
#2 - Kazoo, from the Flintstones

It's like "Hmmm, a miniature, green spaceman who appears only to Fred Flintstone isn't enough of a stretch. I know! Let's give him a snotty London accent!" Um, could I get a drug test from Hanna Barbara, please?
#1 - Scrappy Doo

And, really, who else COULD it be? This guy ruined Scooby Doo! Just came in and ruined it! Scrappy is the Yoko Ono of Saturday morning cartoons. I can't even talk about it anymore. It's too upsetting.
There you have it....the Top 10 Worst Cartoon Characters.....
What were your favorite/worst cartoons when you were a kid?
Happy Friday everyone!
I liked the Jetsons, Smurfs and Jem. Do you remember Jem? She was "truly outrageous"; honestly, though, I was more the kid who enjoyed the little movie after cartoons that was like an after school special with the moral. Not really a big cartoon fan...
You are making me pee myself with laughter. I went straight to the Archies and teen town. hahah
if -- and that's a big IF -- i still had any diet cherry chocolate dr. pepper, i would have sprayed it all over my keyboard.
toooooo funny, kiddo!
I have to agree with you about all of those. As a matter of fact, I hate most cartoon characters other than Bugs Bunny. :)
I agree scrappy is the worst but Tweety...oh come on...
I don't know but I always wanted ELmer to shoot Bugs....
Is that bad?
i loved the Jetsons and I watched Tweety. I just never figured out if he was a boy bird or a girl bird...???
I'm cracking up from your Pepe LePew comments...too funny!
I loved Pink Panther, The Jetsons, and, I have to admit, I was a Popeye and Olive Oyl fan. They just don't make good ole cartoons like they used to.
Scrappy Doo never should have been invented, and deserves the number one spot for worst cartoon character; The wondertwins definitely should have morphed into something besides a bucket of ice and a bird, maybe something a little more threatening or useful in an emergency. That's why they sucked. I disagree about grape ape however, I think although slightly annoying, he still was entertaining. I wish there were some more cartoons in modern times that are as cool as those from the 70's hanna barbera classic age of cartoons. Anyway... that's all
Bugs is the one I don't like, smartass rabbit! Closet case too! And I hate Captain Caveman
Of course Scrappy Doo's annoying and the worst asshole pup who ever encounter when he arrived in the title sequence saying "Uncle Scooby?" how annoying he turned out to be, Love him or hate him but he's also one of the funniest characters of Hanna-Barbera.
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