Friday, August 20, 2010


That can't be further from the matter how crappy your job can be through out the week, on Friday, it is just better! Guess it's the countdown to 5 o'clock and the fact you have 2 entire days off...

No big plans for the weekend. Tonight the fam and I are going to the gym. I did 4.5 mile run last night, but hubbby needed me to run some errands and be home early, so I was unable to get any strength training in. So, tonight, while I work out, the hubby and the boys are going to swim. I may or may not join them after my workout. I don't plan on running, but may do 30 minutes or so on the eleptical...I figured if I am runnign my 5 k in the morning, I better let my legs rest tonight. My mileage for the week is going to be rather low, unless I can get a run in on Sunday as well. I sure hope so.

After my 5 k run tomorrow, I have to go meet the ex to pick up the 16 year old. Only to turn around and take him back home 24 hours later. So, I will be spending a lot of time in my car this weekend. That's is worth it to get to spend any time with my boy. We may or may not go catch a movie with all of them Saturday afternoon and hubby said something to me this morning about going out for dinner Saturday night. Just depends on finances. If not, grilling out, chilling with some wine and a DVD sounds just as good to me.

My work day, although it is Friday, is going to be a rather long one. As of this moment, I am totally caught up on all of my work for the day. Lunch time is almost here, so I think I am going to go spend it at Target. Jimmy Johns may or may not be on the agenda as well...I love their lettuce far as the rest of the afternoon, I so wish I could ask the boss for a 1/2 day. Go to the gym, get my workout in, then maybe take the boys to Columbian Park for the evening and let them swim there for a couple hours. But..unfortunately, I am a chicken shit and I am afraid to ask. They get really crappy around here about that kind of stuff.

Oh, well...I will fake it till I make Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Get out, do something good for yourself!


Mark said...

Absolutely. I am so tired, that I needed it to be Friday. Actually, I have been needing it to be Friday since Monday. No doubt I'll blink and miss the weekend!

Good luck with the 5k :)

Dixiechick said... and me both. I have been counting down since Monday at 8 a.m...haha....Hope you have a great weekend!