Monday, November 5, 2007


Wow..what a weekend! When I left you guys Saturday morning..the day kind of went to
Hell in a handbasket! At least for a couple hours...

Let me enlighten I stated the two little ones were bouncing off the walls....literally. While I was cleaning up/making beds, picking up toys, etc...they were in the living room, fighting with their pirate swords...the same room hubster, who has not really slept in days, was trying to nap in....he gave them three warnings, to stop with the swords, they didn't listen...eight year old "backtalked" him..then all hell broke lose. Hubster was tired, just worked off third shift, no sleep in four days, had been to the doctor that morning, had not taken his meds in four, without going into too much all out family war took and the kids against him so to speak. It was not pretty...we love each other, but his behavior was unwarranted and it not only pissed me off, but the 14 year old as well....let's just say, I got in the way, trying to calm the hubster down, I kind of got shoved 14 year old stood up to him and told him to "calm the hell" down...Hubster was "throwing" us out...telling me to take my kids and leave.....I was crying, the kids were crying....I was grabbing stuff to leave and finally, a look of "What the hell am I doing" dawned on the hubsters face...Between the 14 year old and myself...we were able to make him realize that he was behaving in a way that was not going to be tolerated and he needed to get a grip! Now let me interject here that hubster is not a violent person...he did not lay a hand on us....but I was like a mother bear protecting her cubs...I was not going to allow him to do something that he would regret....his face was beat red...his blood pressure was through the roof...heart was pounding out of his ribcage and throw in severe...I do mean severe...sleep deprivation and you have a molitav cocktail waiting to explode....All of this transpired within just a few minutes....then all was calm. Except...I was so angry with him...How dare he??? I love him, but I do fear that there are some underlying things going on...I know that his blood pressure and sleep deprivation are the key issues....because deep down, Hubster is a kind loving person....what the hell causes someone to "flip out" like that? I don't know...but it scared the heck out of all of us....after many apologies, many hugs and kisses, everyone was calm enough to talk..hubster apologized profusely for his behavior..and everyone was fine...yet, it is still needling at me this morning...what does he need, what can I do to help him maintain his composure? I do not want my kids to ever see someone act that irrationally again....I don't know...I don't have any answers. His mother and I are working together, to try and get him to the get all of this figured out. He is agreeable that he doesn't feel like himself...that there is more wrong than he realizes...
Hubster felt so bad....we all tend to "lose" it sometimes...stress, lack of sleep and financial problems tend to put a lot of pressure on a person....then throw in medical problems...almost seems like a no win situation....we all had a talk...tried to come up with solutions to prevent an episode like that from occuring again..
Hubster reassured each child that he would not behave like that again....he spent the afternoon trying to make it up to all of us...yet deep down, I am scared, I am worried. I do not want my kids to worry, Max to see his dad lose control like other kids to be subjected to that kind of behavior either. What do you do? I feel that he may also be in the early stages of depression...but how do you help someone that doesn't want to help themselves?

Anyway....all ended up fine...I feel the hubster learned a valuable lesson from all of this...I truly do not expect anything like that to happen again...

After everyone calmed down and made up..we dressed and went to one of our favorite places for was wonderful. Everyone's mood had improved greatly....we had a very nice dinner.
Then we took Aaron for a haircut...stopped by Hell-mart, picked up a Christmas gift we had been looking for for eight year old...right across the street from Hellmart was a Krispy Kreme...I was dying for a cup of coffee...I had heard so many bloggers out there talk about how great their coffee was...what a joke!

IT WAS AWFUL!!!!!First of all...I went in to use the bathroom...everything was woman waiting for the manager..had said the toilet in the ladies room "threw up" on her...the entire back of her jeans were soaked through...they were complaining that the donuts were cold...the employee got smart, gave them attitude...told them.."If you noticed, the hot donut's sign was not on..therefore you can't expect their to be hot donuts" they were ticked!
I went up to the counter to order my coffee...guess what, THEY DID NOT HAVE ANY MADE!...I had to wait for him to make the coffee, then when I finally got tasted like crap!
I got out to the car, tried to drink it,gave hubster a sip...he confirmed it was terrible, I threw it away...Hubster wanted me to take it back in..but at that point, it was futile...Max was in the back seat..whining about wanting to go play Monster Golf...that was all his mind would focus over and over..."I WANT TO PLAY MONSTER GOLF, WHEN ARE WE GOING TO PLAY MONSTER GOLF, REPEAT..REPEAT...ELEVENTY MILLION TIMES....I was almost ready to lose my mind...

So...Monster Golf was next...Hubster did not want to, the three kids and I the third hole..14 yr old was bored, did not want to him.."This is so lame" became his I gave him money to play video games, sent him on his way..hubster took over his place..we proceeded....Aaron actually did rather well...he was playing well, enjoying himself...but Max...he was on the verge of major meltdown..all the drama of the day, fact it was almost 7 p.m...he had not had his afternoon nap....what had started out as fun, became filled with Max's whining..the fact all he could focus on was playing the last hole...which looked like this
He could just not comprehend that we had to play each hole, finish up, by the time we were at hole 18...Max was having a hard time hanging on...he could not get the ball up the tongue into the clowns, he took his club, whacked at the chain in front of the clown's mouth..broke the chain...hubster had to fix, I turned in our clubs, took Max to the side for "the talk" that ends all talks...I am not a spanker, I feel spanking should be utilized as the most dire form of punishment...but, Man...did I want to tear his little butt up! But, as I have been trying to teach hubster to do...I took a deep breath...was rational and dealt with him...I knew Max was just exhausted..I knew it was time to get him home to bed. So, that is what we did...baths were given, Max went to bed, hubster went to work, the other two boys fixed a snack and watched Evan Almighty...we all piled on my bed, popped in the movie, I would say within half an hour...we were all asleep.
What an exhausting day! But all was well that ended well I guess.
Sunday wasn't much better.
Let me summarize it with one last picture....Yep, I got a flat tire..on my way to meet Justin (14) year olds dad, to drop him off for the weekend...30 miles from home...I picked up a nail somewhere...blew my had already started to smoke, when I looked over at Justin...said, I think we had a freaking flat tire!...I managed to get pulled over in some random insurance building parking lot and some random old guy and his wife just happened to be behind me, pulled over to make sure we were ok...I told them yes and random old guy offered to put on my "donut" spare...looks like they had just came from church/lunch..probably on their way home. It took him a while to place the jack, I felt bad for him getting all dirty with his "going to prayer meeting" clothes on...I am grateful for his help...but as he was changing the tire...what I felt bad for him the most was the god-awful toupee the man had on his sort of looked like this...
It was awful! I noticed the boys looking at him strange...I was trying so hard to keep them from laughing..after all, the guy was being so nice to help us...after 15 minutes or so..the donut was on, busted tire was in the trunk....I offered to pay the guy for helping us...but he declined, we shook hands, he was on his way. Thank God for good samaritans...even if they have a bad toupee!

I drove 50 miles on the stupid donut, came home, picked up the hubster...we went to Hell Mart for a tire...that took over an hour to get tire put on, have them all was too late for us to cook once again...we went Ruby Tuesdays....
Let's just say...I don't want to take my kids out to eat ever was very frustrating...Max just will not behave. I am at a loss as to how to get him to listen to me....anyway, we left the restuarant, came home...put the kids to bed...
I had a glass of wine..relaxed with Desperate Housewives..which really wasn't that good...Maybe I will post about that later.
I am sure I have bored all of you out of your ever lovin big Thank you to all of you that managed to read all the way to here....Hope your weekend was better than mine..



Cynthia said...

Dixie, Quite a weekend, glad things turned out well with you and the husband. Scary for a moment...Yes, Desp. House. was weak...


Nap Warden..yes, it was scary..just because hubby is normally not like was almost a "bi-polar" type of episode...things are fine now, I pray they never escalate like that again...

Desperate Housewives was poorly written last night. I was glad Lynette found out she was cancer free...I would hate to see them write her out of the show. Danielle having the baby, revealing Bree's secret...maybe that story line will pick up next week. Do you think Victor will try to have Carlos killed?

Lori said...

Ugh! Your weekend sucked! I have to agree that it sounds like depression. My hubby went through an episode a year ago and it was a lot like that. He went to therapy and didn't use meds and is much better. But, he also recognizes when he's having an epsiode and will let me know so that I'm mindful and try to keep the kid stuff to a minimum. And the whole sleep thing being messed up is a big part of it to. Hugs to you!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that was a long post. Sorry you didn't have a good weekend. I'm also sorry your hubby lost it for a few minutes. Hopefully, that won't happen again.

I don't think too highly of Krispy Kreme either. Their donuts are too rich and over-priced. Sounds like their service sucks too.

Monster Golf looks like fun, but I think my two girls would be scared. My son would love it.


Yeah, sucked, big time. So, your husband acted out similarily? My husband refuses to go to therapy, so I don't know what will happen. Just like your husband, with you..I recognize the signs, he has agreed to just walk away, until he calms down..if he feels that sort of anger bubbling up again. Anyways...thanks for reading and replying...hugs to you too!

Daddy Forever...sorry the post was so long...kind of got carried away, I guess..just had to get it all of my chest. Afterwards, I did feel better..kind of took the fortune cookie has a sign to forgive, forget and move on. I will do everything within my power to prevent him for flipping out like that again...

I will never go back to Krispy Kreme again, either. Their donuts are ok, but I am not really a big donut fan...only stopped for coffee, if that is my only choice for that, I would prefer to do without.
Monster Golf is fun, really not as scary as you would thing...but, I don't have girls, just like your little boy, my boys love all things scary and super, they enjoyed it.

Take care everyone! You guys are awesome!

Kim said...

I was at chick-fil-a over the weekend and there was a little boy that had a monster golf shirt on. I had not heard of it before. It looks neat though.

I LOVE Olive Garden. I ate there ALL of the time when I was pregnant with my son. I would joke that he was going to be born addicted to alfredo sauce.

I had a flat tire recently, too. They are a pain in the butt!!

I am sorry hubby lost his cool. BF has done that before and while it was never violent and I know he would never hurt me, it still kind of freaked me out. I think he bottles all of his frustration in until it bursts and he lets it out by yelling. Me, I tell you right away when I am upset and I hold nothing in. lol

Rachel said...

I am exhausted just reading this!
Holy cow what a weekend!
You found me through Bradley at egelnest and I'm returning the favor! You are hysterical! I'm gonna link you because I am dying to read more!!
Congrats on your award as well!


Kim...if you have a Monster Golf in your ought to take the kiddos! They would have is nice, because it is inside, well decorated, fun thing to do in the winter months.
Yeah, Olive Garden rocks...I love the salad...I could fill up on just that. We usually eat there once or twice a month.
That flat tire I had, that was the third one I have had in the past two years..every time something happens with the freaking car, I am always driving it...Hubby just wrecks the cars, I break them
I am with you on the anger thing...I tell it like it is, I don't hold in either..when I am really upset, I will walk away, until I cool down..not hubby. He has to pester the holy crap out of me..usually making things worse in the long run.

Rachel...oh, My gosh...I have a new bloggy friend! Yippee! Who Hoo..I love making friends...Welcome to the fold, my child...welcome to the fold. LOl...
Thanks for sticking the weekend post out until the that is loyalty to the blog world, I tells ya! Thanks for linking I in turn will link you!
Rock on!