Friday, December 28, 2007


Wow....I can't believe I have not posted in three whole days...Guess the only excuse I have is that I have just been in kind of a funk, nothing of any real importance or interest to say.
I have not even touched the computer, from my last post until now. But, I figured I better get up off my lazy rear end, post something, before you all forget about me, remove me from your blog rolls,

I hope everyone had a lovely for me, other than my trip being cancelled, we did have a good Christmas. It was nice to have all four of my boys together. If it was only for one day. Then they all went their seperate ways....even the two little ones.

The hubster and I have had the entire week to ourselves. Saturday, he took the two oldest back to Terre Haute...Tim has his own life, so to speak....with his job, girlfriend and, getting one day of his time is a say the least...Justin was disappointed not to go to SC, but that was rectified when his Dad offered to take him on a hunting trip to Iowa..they are leaving today for that.
Aaron was taken to his dad's on Sunday, for two whole weeks. I hate letting him go to his father's for that long...when he comes home, it takes me a week to get the man's imprint off of him. I won't get started on that....but that is definitely a story for another time.

Max went to hubsters Mom and Dad's for the week....they live out on this lake...beautiful property...they are great grandparents....he just loves to visit them. He has been there since Sunday as well...I am ready for him to come home...I miss the little guy. I seriously have felt at a total loss all week....the hubster and I have been so lazy....sleeping in, piddling around the house...then dressing and going into town for dinner every night. Boring, boring, first, the no kids thing was, I need for them to come home...I seriously don't know what to do with myself.

The hubster is taking me out tonight.....we are going to a club we are members of, hang out with some friends, have a few drinks, dinner, etc...maybe even do a little dancing.

Then tomorrow...we pick up Max, have hubster's Grandmother's Christmas party....she is over 90 years old, every year, has a huge Christmas dinner/party at ST. Annes church, for all of her children, grand and great grandchildren......I look forward to seeing Max after being away from him this past week.

Well..since I have bored you enough...I am going to get off here....fix some a little of Last seasons Lost....

Have a good weekend!



Toni said...

Good to have you back in the blogosphere! Everyone needs to take a day or two off now and again to recharge, so to speak. Sorry that your trip was postponed but at least you got some time with the boys and some r & r with hubster.
I wish I could come over and watch some Lost with you because I am completely "lost" as to the storyline now. Enjoy your evening out!!!

DJ MotorCityMonk said...

Have fun tonight - don't do anything I wouldn't do!

Rachel said...

Hey Dixie love: Glad to have you back! You have been missed.
I'm glad that even with the disappointment y'all had a good time. Enjoy the party and all the wonderful family time.

Sicilian said...

Dixie. . . from an empty nester. . . . most of the year. . . . you do get used to not having the little tikes (my kids are 23 and 19) around. . . believe me it is hard at first. . . but it grows on ya.

Whitenoise said...

Good to see you back, Happy New Year!

Julie {Angry Julie Monday} said...

I've been in a funk too. I actually posted last night too. I swear I've run out of things to post about. No one really wants to know how broke I am from spending this past month, or that I'm fat and need to lose weight in the New Year!

Happy New Year!

Cynthia said...

Hey Dixie, I took a bit of a break to...I forgot, are you bloggin' American Idol? I love that cheezy show! Let me know...

the planet of janet said...

glad you're back, dixie!

hope you are doing better after the cancellation of your trip :-(


Toni...hey, thanks hon...guess I have needed to has been great...I am starting the third season of Lost....on DVD...I seen an advertisement for the new season, starting Jan that season 4? Or is season 4 coming to DVD? Let me know.... my next post...we had fun, I did a lot of things that I should'nt have done...but a lot that I am sure you would have approved of...Smooches to you!

Rachel..thanks love....I promise to keep up better with my blog from here on out...I have to go back to work to make that happen, but....I will do what ever it takes to make you happy my friend!

Sicilian...yeah, I know what you mean...I miss them...I know over time, I will get used to poor Mother as had too...she only sees me once or twice a year. I pray my kids don't move that far away from me when they grow up and go out on their own.

Whitenoise...Happy New Year to you and your family as well, my friend!

Julie...I am with you on all those points too...I am broke as well...being off work for 12 days, no pay is really going to hurt...I too have "lose weight" as one of my resolutions...join a gym, the whole nine...sure hope I can do it! Happy New Year, sweetie!

Nap...hell, yeah...I am blogging Idol...when does it start? Shoot..I am going to look that up right now! We will discuss it together!

Janet....thanks hon...yeah, I am fine...the disappointment lasted only a couple days...then I just relaxed...realized, it is what it is...enjoyed the time alone with my has been great!

Happy New Year to you all!