Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Wow...I am really feeling the love in the blogosphere right now...As I stated yesterday...Diva, from http://sayanything.typepad.com/ gave me an award...the E for excellent award...

I could not be more honored...as Diva herself rocks....I want to be just like her when I grow up....also, she is part of the bloggy give-away carnival...and she is hocking some really cool stuff right now, so meander on over and check her out...make sure to leave her a comment, you might win her purdy little give a way....now, the tradition in the bloggy world, when you receive an award is to pass it on.....it's always fun to receive an award, so I don't want to break that tradition...kind of like a chain letter....you don't want any bad luck for not passing it on....so, without further ado....I am passing this on to......

My friend Toni...over at http://ataleoftwokiddies.blogspot.com/, because she is an Excellent Mom to her two little ones, Her Highness and The Conqueror...and she posts amazing pictures of said children....she writes wonderful Haikus and she has the Mother in Law that makes Debras, From Everybody Loves Raymond, look like a Saint.....head on over, check her out, leave a comment and tell her Dixie sent ya!

My friend Ajooja....over at http://ajooja.blogspot.com/, because he is very entertaining, he hates Mondays like I do...he never fails to make me laugh....head over, give him some attention.....I promise you won't be disappointed.

My fellow Hoosier Emily, over at http://ellinghouse.blogspot.com/, she has two beautiful little girls, loves a lot of the same things I do, she has great give aways....and I want to be part of her "In" crowd...lol....go over, say hi, leave the girl a comment or two.....

Then..we have my favorite Italian chick...Sicilian...over at http://sicilianintexas.blogspot.com/, she begins every post with a wonderful quote, post great pictures of Texas, loves her daughters and her sweetie and has ups/downs on the job that rival even mine at times....go over and give her some love, people....she rocks!

Last but definitely not least, my southern co-hort, Daphne...over at http://alabama-mama.blogspot.com/, I just love her and I have no doubt that if we lived closer, we would be great friends.....she is a great mom, writes witty and entertaining posts about her kids.....there are lots and lots of reasons to head over and check her out...she rocks, too!

Well, that's it for now.....I received another award from Troy...over at http://notworldfamous.com/ ....dude bestowed upon me the F Bomb award....I will explain that in my next post....very "colorful" award.....if I do say so myself...so, check back with me later...I will passing this puppy on....

Oh...Daphne also tagged me with a meme....I will get to that as well...I haven't forgot...I just have to actually do a little work....so I don't feel so guilty about receiving that awesome, huge paycheck I make every week....yeah, right.....anyway...

Ya'll have a great Tuesday.....I will be back!


Seals said...

Aw, that's so sweet. Figures you'd send people over to my blog when I have something stupid as the lead post. :)

The Ferryman said...

Look at you, spreading the love. Hey, thanks for all the nice things you said over at my place. I really needed that today! :)

Cynthia said...

Way to rack up the awards Chicky! Well deserved! I'll be back tom. for Idol wrap up:)

Daphne said...

aww thanks!! you have no idea how bad I needed a pick-me-up today!!!!


Toni said...

Such a nice award, Dix! Thanks so much. I appreciate the second award that you have bestowed upon me. I am feeling much better following that last post about Bucket Lists.

I proudly accept and say that I you, too, are most EXCELLENT! Thanks, thanks, thanks!


Ajooja....your post was fine...what are you talking about?

Mr. Fab...thanks for stopping by...look forward to getting to know you.

Nap..thanks! And, um...sorry...no American Idol post..I suck!

Daphne..you are more than welcome..as Mr. Fab says, I pink fluffy heart you!

Toni..you are more than welcome....and thank you.

Ken said...

You are excellent. Congrats!