Monday, January 28, 2008

Birthday...mission completed....rating...success!!!

Wow! What a busy weekend! Justin had a very happy birthday and thanks to all of you for your birthday wishes! I gave him his gifts Friday night...clothes, a new jacket, the Tony Dungy book "Quiet Strengh" and an ITunes Card, so he can put more music on his IPOD....lucky kid....(I don't even have an IPOD)...anyway....he was very happy with his presents....I printed off a copy of his birthday post(Below)...he read it and cried...I cried.....he is such a sweet boy.

His Dad had also given him his present for him, before he went to school that morning..
A Fathead....$100 for a decal to stick on his wall...

I mean, that is what he wanted...Justin is one of the biggest Indianapolis Colts fan's I have ever seen...but, a fathead...of Peyton Manning, for his wall...a little much, I thought..but, his Dad has the money, it was what Justin wanted...I am little too, I wouldn't get it for him.....His Dad did...he was happy, so "Yay, for Dad".....

I did get him the Dungy book and a Colts birthday cake...check it....

Saturday...I took him for lunch...just the two of us....something he asked for...he doesn't get to spend very much one-on-one time with, it was a treat for both of us. I told him we could go anywhere he wanted to go...he wanted Olive Garden...but, wouldn't you know it...they were packed....2 p.m. on a Saturday afternoon...not one single parking space to be found...he was disappointed, but I told him to make a second choice...we ended up at Red Lobster....yum....yum...I love seafood, but it was hysterical, seeing my boy work so hard to eat crab legs...lunch took forever because of it, but he enjoyed it, so that is what counts....afterwards, we went to the mall, to exchange the jacket I bought him...for a different style and to buy another pair of jeans for him..

We ended our afternoon, at the movies...we seen this....

It was an awesome movie...we laughed, I cried....hey...I wasn't the only one..the theater was packed...they actually sold out for this time slot...when the credits rolled, I looked around...grown men were sniveling...handing thier wifes their hankies....Justin was unsure of it at first....when I mentioned going to see it..but, when it was over..he said he was glad we came....made you think...

So...I have three questions to ask...

What would you do, if you only had a few months left to live...what would be on your list, your Bucket List...of things you would like to do if you knew you were going to kick the bucket?....

Tough question...second question.....just like in the movie, would you want to know, if you could, the day you know you were going to die?

Third question....if you knew you were going to die, could you ask yourself two questions..."Do you have joy in your heart?" and "Have you put joy in someone else's heart?"....

I would be interested to hear your thoughts on those questions...tomorrow, I will post my bucket list...and my answers to those questions...maybe post a few of your answers for comparison.

And...if you haven't seen this movie...I highly recommend it....I give it five is a keeper. If you liked the will love this movie as well...and if you do go see it, put a kleenex in your purse or pocket...

Have a Great Monday Everyone!

Oh...also, I have been given an award by Diva over at is my award....

Wow..she thinks I am excellent.....that is just awesome....I will be posting my acceptance speech later on today...and I will be passing this award stay tuned for that later today...thanks again are a sweetheart!


Kim said...

I am glad he had such a good birthday!

To answer your questions:

What would you do, if you only had a few months left to live...what would be on your list, your Bucket List...of things you would like to do if you knew you were going to kick the bucket?....

-I would like to spend time with those closest to me.

-See the west coast and put my feet into the Pacific Ocean.

-Do fun things with my children so that they will have happy memories with me.

-Read some books I have been meaning to read.

Tough question...second question.....just like in the movie, would you want to know, if you could, the day you know you were going to die?

-no way. With as much anxiety I have, knowing which day I was going to die would cause me many panic attacks. Especially as the day grew closer.

Third question....if you knew you were going to die, could you ask yourself two questions..."Do you have joy in your heart?" and "Have you put joy in someone else's heart?"....

-Yes & Yes.

Daphne said...

cool cake! Hope he had a great birthday!

p.s. I tagged you for a high-five on my blog =)

Big Pissy said...

Wow! Sounds like a fabulous birthday! :)

so many tough questions.....

Ken said...

1) I would want to spend as much time as I could with the wife and get kids. Take a lot of pictures with me in them (I'm not usually in the photos). And I would make sure my wife knew all about the stuff I normally take care of and things like life insurance.

2) I have a mixed feeeling about this one. It would be nice to know so I don't my last few days working 24x7. On the other hand, knowing would drive me crazy.

Not sure about the third question.

Congrats on your award!

Whitenoise said...

Cool cake. ;-)


Kim...thanks...and thanks for answering my questions..I plan to make a post about it sometime this week...

Daphne...yes, he loved the cake....just wished I had made it..then I really would have been a cool mom.

Earl..bro are awesome...I love and miss you do the boys...I will pass your message on to Justin and I hope to see you in the Spring... of his better ones he said....what? You didn't want to answer the questions? LOL..

Daddio..great answers..I will be writing a post in response to those questions/answers later on this week..

Whitenoise...yeah, I thought so....wished I had made it...but, I can't take credit for that..the local grocery store bakery gets all the credit....

Phoenix said...

Haven't seen the movie, although it's on my list. But now I know I need to see it. Lets see...

1. Spend quality time with my family. See as much of Europe as I could. Visit Poland and see where my family came from. Take my nieces to Disneyworld. Mostly spend as much time with family and friends and make sure they know how amazing they all are.

2. Nope, I wouldn't want to know. A decent estimate would be enough for me.

3. Yes and yes. A phenomenial question by the way.

PS. Love the blog, found it through Janet's comment section. Had to check you out, because of the name. :)

Toni said...


Wow, I get busy and don't stop by for almost 24 hours and there are like 100 posts! Geez! (:

So glad Justin had a great bday; very neat cake! I have been wanting to see that movie. If I could go anywhere, it would be Italy. But if I had only a few months left to live I would spend them with my husband, children, parents and nieces. They are the most important people in my life. I would love to take them all to the beach and just be. Now I am sad....

Lori said...

Ooo, I'm going to steal this and do it as my own blog post!

i beati said...

Good questions- I'm so a Dungy fan and the Colts wish they were there this year or Green Bay - Will you watch Big Brother ??