Wow...What a glorious four day weekend I just had....Sorry for not being around...but hubster and I stayed on the go constantly for the past four days. All of the kiddos were gone for the entire Memorial Day weekend....so, the hubster and I enjoyed the time alone....
Friday we traveled about two hours away from where we live in Lafayette, up to Merriville Indiana to the casino boats with a friend of ours. It was so much fun. Luckily, we didn't lose any money...our friend gave me $50 to play the slots, of course...I lost it. He put $50 in....he lost his too. But, just being there..hanging out, drinking..was loads of fun. Sad part about it was watching some of those people gamble, which I am sure, were there entire weeks paycheck away on those machines. The pure looks of rejection, bewilderment and just sadness on some of their faces was so unbelievable to me.....I know gambling, for some, is just as bad of an addiction as drugs and alcohol can be for people. Sad..really sad...Some of them continued to sit there at the slots, long after there money was gone....hoping by some miracle, the machine would just "give" them their money back. Another thing that bothered me about our visit while there, was there was a seven/eight year old little girl at the casino, sitting on the floor with a gameboy, no parent in sight and it was eleven thirty at night. An hour later, we passed by her again...still no parent.....what the hell is a parent thinking by bringing a child to a casino, then leaving them unattended like that..it really pissed me off. Some people so do not deserve to have children.
Saturday, on our drive back from Merriville...we drove through Monticello..home to Indiana Beach....the tourists were out in full force, as that was their opening weekend....we didn't go to the beach...but we did stop by the Sportsman Inn for lunch....where I had one of the best Mimosa's

Once we got home that afternoon, hubby went fishing and I got to take a glorious two hour nap....bliss, I tell you...pure bliss.
Saturday evening...we went for dinner...where many of these were enjoyed and savored....

After dinner and drinks, we walked across the street to the theater and saw this movie....

I only have one word to describe it....
Awesome!!! If you haven't seen it, let me tell you it is well worth it....I think it is the best Indiana Jones movie yet.....
Sunday was spent sleeping in and resting, lots of book reading and tv watching.
We really, really wanted to go see the Indy 500 race...but, we both woke up late, if we had went...we would have been late and we would have had to sit in the infield...on the ground...yuck! Not for me...
From what I seen on t.v...traffic was absolutely horrible..I don't do well with big crowds like that, so we stayed home and watched it on t.v...I so wanted Helio Castraneves to win or Danika Patrick..but, unfortunately...that didn't happen. Hubster went fishing again...then we went out for dinner. Monday was more of the same, with a quick trip to meet the mother in law to pick up Max...
Now, today??? Back to work...back to the grindstone...back from heaven and straight into hell....

Oh, well...at least I only have four days of purgatory this week.....then the weekend will be here again...Yay!
Have a great week everyone!
Revitalization Yay Swoon- Helio. I loved the 10 idols on Larry King this weekend. A lot married surprising..next holiday July 4th not that far off
My wife had to work all weekend so I had a pretty shitty weekend.
I'm glad you had a nice weekend, though. I hope there was plenty of good stuff you're not telling us too. ;) :D
sounds like a fun way to spend the weekend! ours was a little more quiet, but equally lovely.
any day i don't spend in the fluorescently lit hell is a bonus ;-)
What a nice relaxing weekend. Ours was filled with yardwork.
Indiana Jones. I love those movies. I can't wait to see it.
Sandy...yes, revitilization is always nice...yes, Helio makes me swoon too...missed Larry King...didn't know the idols were going to be on there....I am looking forward to July 4th as well...my oldest birthday is the 3rd...he will be 18. Yikes!
Ajooja..awww....that sucks, for her and for you. As far as my weekend goes....it was great, yes...there is a lot I am withholding....not for delicate ears.
Janet...I am glad you had a fun relaxing weekend as well...just like Sandy said, July 4th is just around the corner..then we get another mini break...Yay!
Lori....I so am slacking in the yardwork area...got to get on that this weekend.
Daddio....It was awesome...best one yet!
Glad you're back safe and sound. Thanks for the Indy review we were on the fence....
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