Thursday, November 4, 2010

A Break From Running....

As much as I hate it, I have not been able to run at all since my 10k last Saturday. I mentioned that I had a possible shin splint on my right the time, it hurt, but I thought it was manageable. I think, after running my 10k, I only made it worse. I have not been able to run all week. I absolutely hate it! I have only been to the gym once this week. I did 30 minutes on the elliptical and 15 minutes on the stationary bike....and I hated every freaking minute of it! As I was on the elliptical, one of the guys from the gym I know, hopped onto the one next to me and looked at me and pointed at the treadmill in front of me....I frowned, pointed to my leg and just got more irritated. I love, love, love to run...and as I was on that elliptical, I couldn't help but give the evil eye to the other runners running happily on the treadmills. I was jealous and I was angry. I hated that entire workout. I don't like walking on the that only aggravates me that I can't be running on it.
I took last night off from the gym, to stay home with the family and cook them dinner for a change. I made a huge pot of chili and it was so, so yummy. I ate my fair share. A long with a couple glasses of Malbec...(yeah, I don't usually drink during the week-but you try putting up with "MR. Burns" like I have to all day long at the office, you would be drinking mid week too)..... So, even though the weather outside is cold and gloomy, and I am so very tired....and I loathe the other cardio machines at the gym....I am dragging my lazy butt to the gym after work. For another elliptical session and bike ride. Then abs and leg work. 2 hours and hopefully that will help put a dent in my bad eating from last night.
I can't work out Friday at lunch time, I have important errands to run, then after work, I have to drive my 11 year old to meet his Dad for the weekend..which is an hour and a half round trip. Hubby has to go to work, so he will need the car. Max is staying with us this weekend. He is getting really burned out on going to Grandma's every weekend, I can't blame him...I need to spend some one on one time with my little boy...he is really looking forward to it as well. We don't get the chance very often to focus solely on just one child. He is already planning on sleeping in his brothers "big" bed, watching movies and having the x-box all to his little self. Wish that was all I had to worry about. LOL....
Anyway, this cartoon pretty much sums up how I feel about the cardio machines at the gym...among other things. LOL...

Hang in there my's almost Friday!

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