Thursday, August 18, 2011

Gym Fail...I suck!

The above orange blob was me last night, during Body Pump....I don't know what happened, but it ended up being the worst gym experience/work-out I have ever had. I left work, feeling fine, headed to the gym, for a 5 30 p.m. Body Pump Class. I got there, set up my bench and weights, and had about 15 minutes to kill. Since I also had a 35 minute tempo run to do, I figured I could do 10 minutes of it before the class started, so I went upstairs, hopped on the treadmill and pumped out a 9 min 10 sec mile..cleaned the machine and went downstairs for Body Pump...I felt fine at first, but as the class got further in...I felt worse and the time the biceps track started (30 minutes in)....I got light headed, my head started pounding and I thought I was going to pass out....I had to leave the room and ended up getting sick in the hall way....I had to quit! I had to put my equipment away in front of everyone and leave! I was mortified....I have never failed so miserably at a workout...I am taking an antibiotic for an issue I am having, so I am not sure if that made me sick or what the deal was...but, I left the gym and went home.

I have worked out for the last four days straight, tonight is supposed to be a rest it is Open House at the kids school...maybe that is what my body needs. I am burned out...needless to say, I have been putting a lot of pressure on myself to be on top of my game with my workouts, so last night left me feeling utterly defeated. I am still steaming mad over it today.

But as Scarlett O'Hara said, "Tomorrow is another day"....

So, Friday night, after work...I will head back to the gym and try hour of cardio, and strength training..on my own. I think I need to break up with Body is not doing this body good.

Stay tuned, I plan on doing a post soon on some of my favorite for Oprah...maybe it will work for me and actually generate some traffic and readers/commenters for this blog.

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