With the New Year comes New Year's resolutions for a lot of people...and I usually make them myself...but not this year...this year I am going to be motivated to make some changes, for my overall well being, mind body and soul...not just to be "making resolutions".....I am going to live every day, to be the best person I can be and be grateful for every morning that I wake up...be more thankful for what I have and more motivated to achieve those things I don't......
I had a good Christmas with my kids this year....The two oldest drove up from Terre Haute and spent an evening with Keith and I and there younger 2 brothers... and we celebrated our Christmas with our gift exchange and a nice dinner out. They went home the next day and the two youngest went to their Dads and to the grandparents....Aaron to his Dad's, and Max to Keith's parents.
Keith and I also spent Christmas Eve with Max at Keith's parents and Christmas day..they were very generous to us as well as to Max....the best present I had was that it was actually warm enough Christmas day to go on a 5 mile run...it was awesome to be out in the country in Rockville Indiana, the sun was shining...it was chilly, but very exhilarating....I loved it! As well as the Monday after Christmas, I was able to run outside again, another 5 miles and I was grateful for that opportunity...I have never ran outside in December before.
Last year for 2011 I made a goal to run 1000 miles for the year...unfortunately, I fell short; I ended my year with 923.35 miles...:( Oh, well...that is above and beyond 2010 so I guess I should be proud...41 years old and over 900 miles in a year...that is a lot of time spent pounding the pavement and on a treadmill...So, again, I will make the goal to meet that 1000 miles for the year 2012...along with running another 5 k in April, a 10 k at some point and the Indy half Marathon in May...and maybe, just maybe....I will be motivated enough to train for a full marathon sometime late this fall. That distance really intimidates me, but it is something I must check off my bucket list, as I am not getting any younger...
I am going to amp up my fitness to an entire other level....no less than 5 workouts a week and increase my strength training...with 4 kids-six pack abs have been almost impossible to acquire, but I feel if I get with a trainer this year, increase improving my core strength, change my supplements, and tweak my diet (no refined sugars/carbs-especially wine-boo), then I will have my dream abs by the time we go to Florida this June...I am ready to kick start it.
How about you? What are you looking forward to achieving this new year?

Hey, D.C. glad to see you back online again. Thanks for the update. You go girl! :)
Hi Dix!
Glad to see you're still here. Have a great new year.
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