Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Happy Birthday.....

Today is my 2nd oldest son's 18th Gosh...where has the time gone? I can't believe he is now considered an "adult"....I am so very proud of him and love him so very much. I hate that I can't be with him he lives with his dad 2 hours away...but, I called him this morning and wished him Happy Birthday...

He spent last Saturday night with me and we took him out to the Olive Garden to celebrate and had cake and ice cream when we got home...he is such a special and wonderful young man and I know that the life ahead of him is going to be a good one. He is hard working, caring and things only of others above and beyond himself.

He is going to do great things...I just know it! Happy Birthday my son!

1 comment:

The Blue Orchid of Texas said...

Yes, where does the time go? Well, enjoy the moment D.C. and the week!