Thursday, May 1, 2008

American Idol Season 7...Now there are four!

We bid adieu to Brooke White....

I am not too happy with this decision...I felt Jason Castro should have been the one to go, yet he was the first one safe. It most definitely is a popularity contest, it seems.
I loved Brooke, regardless...she will go far...I never expected her to win just surprised me Jason was not even in the bottom two....

Do you think the right one was voted off?



the planet of janet said...

this made me mad mad mad.

jason has no business being in the top THREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

No Jason should have gone, I blogged about this too, it's all the little girls voting for him!

I like both David's alot but David C is already a superstar and I am worried he will lose to all the little girl votes for David A! We think maybe it's time they started charging to vote like they do in the UK!

i beati said...

forgot the words twice - he's next I like David Cook

i beati said...

oh by the way I read the popularuty poll and Jason is way up there with young girls - Syesha too...David Cook at bottom- too much Paula talk blah blah


Janet...I totally agree.

Britgal...You are right on the money, David Cook should win, but Archie probably will due to the popularity vote.

I beati...David Cook all the way. Don't forget to vote!

Cynthia said...

Straight up, I didn't care for Brooke. That being said, Jason's gotta go!

.:| Melissa.Mizladytaz |:. said...

Well, again, my mother called me during the show, so I missed some people singing! GAH! THEN she called me on vote off day too! WTF!!! Sheeeeesh! But I did see that Brooke was voted off. Though I figured it would be Syesha, because she sang a song about Thanking The Lord (for the night? I forget now). And yanno, that tradition, if someone sings about God, Jesus or The Lord! So, I was kinda surprised. And you know how I feel about Jason being up there stil!! Altho, that first song he sang (I actually got to see that one) I think was one of his best, I kinda liked it, but still, don't like the guy! Don't think he'll go anywhere. He's BARELY sometimin it!

Hey, I like that idea of charging people to vote!! THAT just might work!! I'm SO fucking fed up with their voting procedures! It's NOT fair, to us the viewers, but mostly to the contestants! Know what I mean!!

I've been saying for years now, that they need to make it one phone number, one vote. It CAN be done! It's like it's some ratings kinda thing. OMG we had 32 million votes last night! I say, SO WHAT, probably only 5 million of them were genuine ONE time votes!! So, who cares! Can you just imagine if we voted for public officials that way! sheeeeeeeeesh! No, I know it's not as important as that, but to the contestants, I'm sure it is!